Wednesday, November 24, 2004

When Pigs Fly....

I'm lovin' It...

chilling with the KLG sqwad...

A Collaboration Canvas with Shieko.... (Visit: www.supasoniksnailstudio.com)


Phuek's Version of Drew's Crickets... (Visit: phuek.blogspot.com)

Drew's Version of Phuek's Sea Monster....

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I Love Malaysia.....

Did an Online digital Colabo with Scola from the AMC Crew of Singapore... He sent me a digital piece of his and i sent him the sketch i did yesterday ..... and the colabo of 2 artworks were created! Thanks Mr.Scola for the Dope Collaboration!

Drew's Remix...

Scola's Digital piece, that was sent to me for Remixing...

Scola's Remix of the sketch below...

Ink on my crumple paper Again....

Birthday Present for Julian... Happy B'day Dude!

Here's a better picture of the Melaka Piece... Thanks Joe!

Drew1 / All Rights Reserved