I Love Malaysia.....
Did an Online digital Colabo with Scola from the AMC Crew of Singapore... He sent me a digital piece of his and i sent him the sketch i did yesterday ..... and the colabo of 2 artworks were created! Thanks Mr.Scola for the Dope Collaboration!
Drew's Remix...
Scola's Digital piece, that was sent to me for Remixing...
Scola's Remix of the sketch below...
Ink on my crumple paper Again....
Birthday Present for Julian... Happy B'day Dude!
Here's a better picture of the Melaka Piece... Thanks Joe!

Drew's Remix...

Scola's Digital piece, that was sent to me for Remixing...

Scola's Remix of the sketch below...

Ink on my crumple paper Again....

Birthday Present for Julian... Happy B'day Dude!

Here's a better picture of the Melaka Piece... Thanks Joe!
At 1:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
oit ... nice piece with shieko! best best ... cant wait to come back and do lots of shit sial ...!
At 5:13 AM,
drewster said…
Have you visited GIANT yet? Met Mr.Clarke yet? ... do tell'em i said Hi alright? Clarke is the owner of the shop... he writes PANIC... you should see the canvases in the shop.. its all done by him.. it's really Dope!...
DUde, do email me.. i'll past you some contacts.... you can call them up ... and get to know them...
At 2:11 PM,
Shiekoreto said…
bawak balik the deeeeeeckk....
At 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
ahaha ...
i belum pergi dat shop yet ... going there tomorrow to survey cans, spots to bomb and all ah ... eh, dun think i'll be making contacts ... a bit the malu .. hahaha ... but anyway, dude, send me an email with the add and directions to the place yg nak beli the broken decks tue ..
At 6:12 AM,
drewster said…
The shop is right at the back of a coffee shop cafe called "Lin'Contro"... tell SHA.. she'll know where is it.. its right at the back of that cafe only....
make sure when you go in.. ask the shop keeper you want used decks.... his minimum price is 15.... but he's ask you to name a price... tell him i wasnt one for 10 bucks... and nothing more then that. tell him you're getting 2.... or probably more.. if you like... but please do get one for me alright? i need another one.....
At 2:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dope Piece in Melaka...thats raw!aite...ASK from phiberwryte
At 2:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dope Piece in Melaka...thats raw!aite...ASK from phiberwryte
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