Friday, July 04, 2008

Here's another flick of the tree that i did in a garden.
Picture Credit: Steve

Poster design for DJ Loefah.

Monday, June 30, 2008

A little preview of the new freestyle character i'm workin' on at another wall at Prahran.

FInally the full picture.

I call it "The Land of Funk". Aerosol mural for a commission loungeroom at Prahran/Melbourne.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The 40 Thieves opening at Gorker Gallery was awesome, a very good turn out as well for the gallery's first show.
Much thanks to Timba & Nate for the invite and props to the dudes that run it. A really great space to check out.

Here's my piece for the show, "Titled: Cat Nap".


Drew1 / All Rights Reserved