Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Work Sucks! ..go painting!!!

shieks got 1st place for the fort minor comp.. hehe, can't believe she was forced by her workplace to do it.. Big Ups girl...

a simple collabo sketch i did with sona, for some fort minor graf competition thinggy.... you guys would probably see it if you went for the concert....

Have a good week people, mines pretty screwed up lately... thanks to Work, STUPID HATERS & Petrol Price!

a work in progress.. lan's funky room walls

B'day gift for a friend....

Cindy's in Melbourne already... i miss her!

A freestyle character, done on 3 really small wood planks... for a friend's band, some live graffiti + Rock music fusion....

Special thanks to all my haters.. if it was not for you, i would'nt be practicing graffiti till this day...

Happy Valentines everyone, Here's some details of the last canvas i made... Enjoy

Tuff Week, work sucks! ... i NEEEEED to paint!

Drew1 / All Rights Reserved