Work Sucks! ..go painting!!!
shieks got 1st place for the fort minor comp.. hehe, can't believe she was forced by her workplace to do it.. Big Ups girl...
a simple collabo sketch i did with sona, for some fort minor graf competition thinggy.... you guys would probably see it if you went for the concert....
Have a good week people, mines pretty screwed up lately... thanks to Work, STUPID HATERS & Petrol Price!
a work in progress.. lan's funky room walls
B'day gift for a friend....
Cindy's in Melbourne already... i miss her!
A freestyle character, done on 3 really small wood planks... for a friend's band, some live graffiti + Rock music fusion....
Special thanks to all my haters.. if it was not for you, i would'nt be practicing graffiti till this day...
Happy Valentines everyone, Here's some details of the last canvas i made... Enjoy
Tuff Week, work sucks! ... i NEEEEED to paint!