Monday, October 25, 2004

Look Mum, It's my very own BLOG!

So, what do you guys think about my Blog? Looks abit Gay right?, well.. say whatever you want.. but pink color ROCKSSS!!!!!!!!
But anyway, sorry for the delay of the website, (www.drew1.com)... i really forgotten how to use Flash, and FLASH MX PRO is giving me a freakin' hard time... So, if you guys anyone who is familiar with FLASH, do let me know..... I'm currently still finding a way to link pictures into this Blog of mine... So, be a little bit patient alright? ....

2 more days and i'll be back HOME!!!!! YEEEEPEEE!!! Can't wait!!!!!

VDS & Shieko (SWS crew) 1st colabbo bombing a wall togehter...

2nd Wave, with an Iconic version of Me engraved on the wall together with the piece.... I'm so proud of my boys!


  • At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    apek.. where tha picture???


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